Saturday, August 8, 2009

Rescued from the Kitchen Floor

My husband and I have different views on what toys are worthy of rescue if we are cleaning. I first noticed this years ago while cleaning the basement, Nathan would vacuum up barbie shoes, but bend over and pick up legos, and return them to their owner. I brought this to his attention, and he has become more fair, sometimes picking up the barbie shoes, sometimes sucking up the legos. :)

For my part, I judge a toy's garbage status in an intricate equation that includes how many times I have had to pick the thing up recently, and the age (and sometimes current attitude) of the owner. Number of children who can claim the object also gets factored in, as does particular attachment to the toy. When I don't feel like doing the "math", I chuck it. So, Mom's current mental health, and physical health play a role. At least Nathan had a better intuitive model, toss the pink and purple, save the primary colors. So much simpler.

Today, the wind is in your favor, boys, mom rescued a lego storm trooper's helmet from the sweepings. :)


Natalie said...

How funny! I never thought about how I judge wether a toy makes the cut of not. I have thrown many away over the years. I usually throw it down deep in the garbage and stick something over it so that no one can claim it later.:) All in the life of a "Mom"!

Nanette said...

You are a hero!
I just throw way cheap things that have too many teeth marks in them. Primary Colors is a great rule though, I'll file that one away for future use.

Becky said...

nate seems a little boy biased. do you ever factor in whether or not you can bend?? lots more got sucked up when i was pregnant, now i am getting older....

Ryan O'Berry said...

Guy toys rule!! Down with Barbie!

AmyJo Denise said...

Ha ha, your motherly adventures are always a joy to read!
...I am honestly a little worried that when I have kids there won't be much for them to play with. I don't do clutter...probably due to the amount of times we moved the clutter from place to place as I was growing up. My family does not let me clean house very much, because I deem much of the clutter "junk" and throw it cleaning motto: Show no Mercy, but I imagine as I get a family of my own, I will have to learn when and how to bend, and show mercy.

Megan said...

that is hilarious!
i do it too, i'm a toy tosser. little pieces on my floor=garbage. ahhh, if only my kids knew... i always claim ignorance!
your blog is cracking me up. life in a big family with all of it's ups and downs.
thanks for being honest:)