Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cat Food

This is my black kitty, his name is ink. He is a little fluffy of brain, but we like him anyway. He is a social diner. When he was a kitten, he would follow you and meow pitifully until you would follow him. He would always lead you to his bowl and begin to eat. If you leave this nutter cat, he would come back and find you and cry some more, until you repeat the procedure, or until he was full. The behavior happily died. Or so we thought. Recently our Henry cat left for new digs, and Ink needs a buddy for his meals again. I had no idea that Henry had been his meal companion for all these years. Now it is my turn again. Makes me feel weird to stand and watch him eat, but it gets the process over with. I am trying to send children to watch the cat eat. It works ok as long as it isn't Ethan, who makes the cat nervous, Seth, who moves the bowl, or Jacob, who has been spurned for growing to man height. Silly cat!


Nanette said...

Pets are too funny! Maybe you could put a mirror by his bowl and he could keep himself company? I don't know. What a nice owner you are to indulge your kitty.

Becky said...

i have to say that the disappearance of our cat has not moved me to tears. so, if that was my only chore for the day, to follow the cat to its food, i would take it!

Lindsey said...

Jenny- I stumbled onto this from Alisa's makes me smile:) If Ink needs a friend we are almost ready to give up our little kittens, so let me know before they're all spoken for!

Karma said...

I thought that story was so funny!! Animals are capable of the craziest things. Our dog Maggie growing up, wouldn't eat if anyone was watching her. She would just look at you self-consciously and wait for you to leave. Pets are almost as entertaining as children!

Spacelord said...

Totally try the mirror! I want to know if it works. :) I've had this problem with cats before.
