Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Captain Awesome

He is fast! He had a half-block start when I bolted out the door behind. He was following bigger brothers and sisters toward the busy road. I haven't run that fast in awhile, so I was huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf by the time I caught up. Hard to be mad though, as you are following this diapered munchkin home, and keep reading on his back, "I can't help being Awesome!"


Natalie said...

The shirt just fits him. It looks SO STINKING CUTE!

Nanette said...

Oh my goodness, this mad me laugh so hard! Thanks for sharing!!

Ryan O'Berry said...

Wow, you have a Captain Awesome. Just like on Chuck! DON'T CHUCK CHUCK!!

Becky said...

hey, megan has an "awesome" shirt... come to think about it, she is kindof naughty too.

Wendy said...

I so enjoy reading your blog.