Friday, November 13, 2009


My kids love to drive to Idaho, because they know that on the wide open interstate up north, if they are lucky, they can get the semi-drivers to honk for them. When ever we go to pass a semi, Seth will shout, "Get your honkers up!" This is the signal for everyone to put their arm in the air and pump it up and down in front of the windows to see if they will be lucky this time. They hate it when the drivers aren't paying attention, or if they are talking on a cell phone. They scream and wave ecstatically for any driver who graces us with a big HONK!!!!

Most of my kids understand that here in the city, the truckers don't use their horns unless they need to. Seth does not. Today we were driving to the elementary school to drop Ethan off for kindergarten. We drove up behind a big Walmart truck, and Seth yelled for the honkers. Ethan tried to explain about the futility of the effort by saying, "Seth we don't honk here. This is America, and in America, we don't honk!" :) I thought all of you still using your horns out there should know.


Karma said...

So I gather Idaho is no longer a part of America?? I love that story!! Kiss those cute boys!

Ryan O'Berry said...

Jenny, your posts are so funny.

Nanette said...

I don't think the East Coast is in America any more-we honk as much as we possibly can over here.

Natalie said...

My favorite part of that story is still "Get your honkers out! Rhett gets really confused as to where we are too....we will run to town and on the way home he will ask if we are back in Idaho yet? :)

Wendy said...

When I was young, and we took our frequent Idaho trips, I was sure we were going to another planet. I didn't know how it happened. But I knew that somehow our little car made a wonderful journey - always when I fell asleep.

Wendy said...

Oh, by the way Jenny - you are one of my favorite people. :)